Climbing Kilimanjaro 2006

We returned to Colorado: 2006-7-16 00:00:00 GMT-07:00 ago.
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Sponsor our Mount Kilimanjaro Climb       Updates?  
(78 spots gone - 22 spots remaining)

Climbing Kilimanjaro 2006 VideoWatch our Video!


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and become a sponsor.




By sponsoring our climb
you receive:

Very Large company to sponsor Carrie and Jonathan
(more details soon)

We were also recently on TV

  • Regular updates of our progress
    (which you can add on your web site in a very simple way)

  • Your logo on our luggage/gear.

  • Your logo on shirts we are having printed

    • People will see your logo on our gear and on our clothing wherever we go.

  • Your logo will be in our pictures:

    • Washington D.C., New York City, Amsterdam, in Tanzania, and on Mount Kilimanjaro itself.

  • A link to your site sent to our email list with every outgoing email
    (minimum 2-3 times/week.)

  • Visitors to this site will see your logo in our pictures on the site.

  • Visitors and search engines will get to your web site with three years of text links (using your text) at the bottom of the current pages of this site.

  • Your logo added into a banner rotation at the top of each page. 
    (Try clicking refresh., and watch the banner at the top of this page to see how this works.)

  • 10% of what we earn donated to a Kilimanjaro charity in your name!

  • Cost: You will receive EVERYTHING we just talked about for only $100.

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I want to come along on your expedition.

Let me be a sponsor!


I'm interested.  Tell me more details!


List of Sponsors
(in the order that we received their sponsorship)

your logo on top of Kilimanjaro Jonathan demonstrates Kilimanjaro water bottle Carrie demonstrates Kilimanjaro shirt

Jonathan demonstrates Kilimanjaro cargo pants Carrie demonstrates Kilimanjaro water bottle

   Washington D.C. Kilimanjaro trip    your logo on top of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro Africa out plane window

Latest Blog News

  Giraffe on African bus    

  Kilimanjaro Nalgene water bottles    Climbing Kilimanjaro camera   
Giraffe out plane window                 


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I want to come along on your expedition.

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Want to know what we're doing to prepare?

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Your email address is never shared for any reason.

Us in the newsmedia and us in other links:
Good Day Colorado (Denver FOX TV Affiliate) May 30 8:30 AM
May 8. blogged April 17.
Joel Comm blogged April 15. live on the radio on March 25, 2006.

Day 1 -  The Hains Point Giant "The Awakening" and DC Metro       Pictures/stories    No Video
Day 2 -  Our First Official "Tourist Day!"                                    
Pictures/stories    Summary Video  
Day 3 -  National Museum of Art, Constitution, and Carrie's Bday   
Pictures/stories    Summary Video
Day 4 -  Arlington, Iwo Jima, FDR, Jefferson, Holocaust Museum    
Pictures/stories    Summary Video
Day 5 -  Washington D.C. Museums and the Hope Diamond           
Pictures/stories    Summary Video
Day 6 -  Mellow relax and Catch-up day with our friends Misty and Yvette
Day 7 -  Delaware, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania      
Pictures/stories    Summary Video
Day 8 -  Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Mamma Mia! on Broadway    Pictures/stories    Summary Video
Day 9 -  New York City, The Empire State Building, Long Island      
Pictures/stories    Summary Video
Day 10 - Catch-up/prep day with our friends Viliam and Julie, as well as the New Jersey PPL Briefing
Day 11/12  Travel to Africa  (Arriving in Africa the evening of Day 12, which was June 22nd)
Day 13 - Safari in Arusha National Park and touring the lodge        
Pictures/stories    Summary Video(s)
Day 14 - Traveling to Mount Kilimanjaro and beginning our climb     
Pictures/stories    Summary Video
Day 15 - Second Climb Day on Mt Kilimanjaro                               Pictures/stories    Summary Video

In the meantime, check out the Gear page!


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I want to come along on your expedition.

Let me be a sponsor!


I'm interested.  Tell me more details!


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